
Lecture 1: The Crisis and Hope of Humanity unpacks why the ethics of neighbor-love is so important, how it revolutionized ancient culture, and how it provides compelling answers to our deepest questions and needs today.

Recommended Reading:

  1. Carter Lindberg, “A World without Love? The Greco-Roman World and Early Christianity,” in Love: A Brief History through Western Christianity (London: Blackwell, 2008), pp. 36-41, 48-50. The PDF includes more pages, so please scroll to these specific pages.
  2. Enuma Elish in Alexander Heidel, The Babylonian Genesis: The Story of Creation, Second Edition (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1951), pp. 42 and 46.
  3. Plato and Aristotle Handout: a. Plato, Republic, Book II, 371e (on servants); Book III 410a (on the sick); Book V, 459e and 461c (on eugenics and infanticide); Book V, 460c (on the deformed) b. Aristotle, Politics, Books 1.2–7; 3.14.
  4. Larry Siedentop, “The Ancient Family,” “The Ancient City,” and “The Ancient Cosmos” in Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism (London: Penguin, 2015), pp. 7-47.

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