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Course Intro (0:42)
Lecture 1: The Crisis and Hope of Humanity
Section 1: The Idea We Need Today (6:12)
Section 2: Bonhoeffer’s Question (2:30)
Section 3: The Ethics of Neighbor-Love (5:27)
Section 4: The Crisis of Humanity: Ancient Mythology (4:14)
Section 5: The Crisis of Humanity: Classical Philosophy (7:08)
Section 6: The Crisis of Humanity: Classical Culture (3:35)
Section 7: Contemporary Crises of Humanity (4:03)
Section 8: Eyob: The Crisis of Indifference and Dead Dogma (6:19)
Section 9: An Idea that Could Save the World (4:37)
Lecture 2: Origins of Neighbor-Love: The Hebrew Bible
Section 1: Progress and Problems (1:44)
Section 2: The Creation of Humanity in Genesis 1 (3:27)
Section 3: Original Human Community and the Violence of the Fall (4:25)
Section 4: Abraham and the Blessing for All People (2:29)
Section 5: The Curse of Ethnocentrism (5:04)
Section 6: The Hebrew Command of Neighbor-Love (6:13)
Section 7: The Moral Neighborhood in Ancient Israel (4:36)
Section 8: Israel’s Treatment of Non-Israelite Neighbors or “Aliens” (5:38)
Section 9: Israel’s Enemies (4:57)
Section 10: Boaz’s Enemy-Love (3:58)
Section 11: The Future of Non-Israelite Neighbors (3:44)
Section 12: Conclusion: A Mirror for Us Today (2:36)
Lecture 3: Jesus: The Revolution of Neighbor-Love
Section 1: Jesus’s Breakthrough (2:06)
Section 2: The Sermon on the Mount (2:13)
Section 3: Creative Nonviolence (3:52)
Section 4: Love Your Enemies (4:41)
Section 5: The Reason of Love (4:33)
Section 6: The Golden Rule (3:34)
Section 7: What God Really Wants (3:29)
Section 8: Matthew 19 and the Question of What Is Truly Valuable in Life (5:08)
Section 9: Matthew 22 and the Command of Neighbor-Love (2:35)
Section 10: Globalizing Neighbor-Love (2:10)
Section 11: Mark 12 and the Greatest Commandment (3:55)
Section 12: Luke 6 and the Extravagant Generosity of God (3:49)
Section 13: The Parable of the Good Samaritan and Luke 10 (7:42)
Section 14: Insights from the Enemy (3:10)
Section 15: John’s Ethics of Love: The Superpower Washes Feet (6:56)
Section 16: The Death of Jesus and Divine Love (4:11)
Section 17: Conclusion: Jesus’s Answer to the Crisis of Humanity (2:50)
Lecture 4: The Revolution Continues: Neighbor-Love in the New Testament
Section 1: The Early Christian Counter-Culture of Love (4:45)
Section 2: Paul: From Terrorist to Apostle of Love (3:37)
Section 3: Romans 12 and Paul’s Ethics of Enemy-Love (3:28)
Section 4: Romans 13 and Neighbor-Love (3:23)
Section 5: Romans 13 and the Politics of Love (3:10)
Section 6: Love and the End of History (2:01)
Section 7: The Brilliant Irony of Romans 15 (4:24)
Section 8: Galatians: A Reunited Humanity (3:02)
Section 9: Galatians: Freedom, Love, and Service (4:52)
Section 10: Ephesians 4 and a New Way of Being Human (4:55)
Section 11: Paul's Love-Saturated Letters (4:35)
Section 12: James and True Religion (3:20)
Section 13: James and the Law that Gives Freedom (3:05)
Section 14: Conclusion: The New Beginning of the Christian Revolution (2:35)
Lecture 5: 20 Centuries: The Red Thread of Neighbor-Love
Section 1: The Moral Belief that Changed the World (8:40)
Section 2: The Didache: Neighbor-Love as the Way of Life (5:14)
Section 3: The Epistle to Diognetus and Early Christian Cosmopolitanism (6:38)
Section 4: Augustine’s Love and Pursuit of Happiness (6:11)
Section 5: Augustine’s Universal Love against the Death Penalty (5:29)
Section 6: Aquinas: Neighbor-Love, Crusades, and Capital Punishment (8:37)
Section 7: Martin Bucer’s Universe of Love (7:56)
Section 8: Martin Luther’s Radical Contradiction (9:11)
Section 9: Nietzsche, the Will to Power, and the Lie of Neighbor-Love (6:46)
Section 10: Freud, Sex, and the Madness of Loving Your Neighbor (6:25)
Section 11: Kierkegaard’s Works of Love (11:24)
Section 12: Conclusion: The Globalization of Neighbor-Love (3:20)
Lecture 6: Modern Masters of Neighbor-Love
Section 1: Five Paradigms of a Plausible Future (1:47)
Section 2: The Life and Love of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) (3:51)
Section 3: Bonhoeffer’s Christological Vision (4:14)
Section 4: Bonhoeffer’s Community Service (5:59)
Section 5: The Life and Love of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) (3:41)
Section 6: King’s Neighbor-Love (4:02)
Section 7: King’s Enemy-Love (6:30)
Section 8: The Life and love of Oscar Romero (1917-1980) (6:12)
Section 9: The Prophetic Preaching of Oscar Romero (8:10)
Section 10: The Life and Love of Mother Teresa (1910-1997) (5:24)
Section 11: Mother Teresa’s Way of Love (7:25)
Section 12: The Life and Love of Jean Vanier (b. 1928) (4:04)
Section 13: Vanier’s Wisdom of Tenderness (8:36)
Section 14: Conclusion: Stars in the Darkness (3:27)
Lecture 7: Neighbor-Love Now: A Humble/Dangerous/Hopeful New Beginning for Humanity
Section 1: Exemplars, Insights, Questions, and Commission (1:15)
Section 2: Exemplary Church: Coach Wayne Gordon and Lawndale Christian Community Church (6:13)
Section 3: Exemplary NGO: Gary Haugen and the International Justice Mission (5:06)
Section 4: Exemplary Business: Eden Gelan and Chiban Leather (5:06)
Section 5: Neighbor-Love DNA: Who Is My Neighbor? (3:25)
Section 6: Neighbor-Love DNA: What Does It Mean to Love? (2:49)
Section 7: Neighbor-Love DNA: As Ourselves? (2:50)
Section 8: A Summary: “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” (5:25)
Section 9: Fifteen Questions for Neighbor-Love (49:23)
Section 10: Christ’s Final Commission (3:32)
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Section 11: Paul's Love-Saturated Letters
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